In order to find the best school for dermal filler training you should consider the type of courses offered, the duration of the courses, and the techniques taught. A good dermal filler course should include hands-on training as well as theory, and the school should employ recognized and qualified trainers. The school should also offer a Continuing Medical Education (CME) certificate or a Continuing Education Unit (CEU) upon completion.
Consider the different courses that are offered. Some schools offer basic and advanced courses, while others focus more on the different fillers and filling techniques. There are natural and synthetic fillers, so you should decide which of these you would like to be trained in. Some schools offer training in just one kind of filler, while others include a variety of fillers as a part of the course.
Dermal filler training is usually offered to individuals, such as nurses and doctors, who already have training in a medical field, or qualified aestheticians, and this is why the course duration may be quite short. A dermal filler course may consist of as little as 9 hours of training and can be completed in a day. The length of the courses or workshops can vary, so look into this before committing to a particular course.
A good school for dermal filler training will include theory as well as hands-on training. This is a very practical field, and learning to use the fillers correctly is a vital part of the training. Real people are used as models so that the students can have firsthand experience. Some schools will choose to focus on practical instruction more than theory, so consider what kind of approach you would prefer before you enroll.
Research the trainers and their qualifications before choosing a school for dermal filler training. A good trainer will be a recognized instructor for the fillers used during the course, and he or she should have practical experience in the field. Most instructors have a medical background of some kind and may be qualified doctors, nurses or plastic surgeons.
The school you choose should offer a certificate of completion for CME or CEU once you have completed the training. You should also consider the accreditation of the school and whether the courses are nationally or internationally recognized. This is especially important if you plan to work abroad.