People choose rocking chair covers for a variety of reasons. When you are looking for covers, the first step is to choose a design that complements your decor. Next, you should consider how often you might sit in the chair so you know whether you need padding. Measure the seat, back, and arms of the chair so you will be sure to select covers that fit. Try to decide if you would like to tie them on or have the pieces slip over the chair.
Rocking chair covers come in a variety of different patterns and design. The ones you choose will largely depend on your existing decor as well as your personal taste. If possible, take swatches of fabric from draperies, pillows, or other accessories you have in the room to the store when choosing your fabric. That way, you can make sure to choose fabrics that go well with these items.
Think about the purpose of these rocking chair covers. If they are mainly going to be used to protect your chair, padding might not be necessary. When comfort is a consideration, you might want covers that have cushioning. Compare different types of padding so you can find the one that is most comfortable for you to sit on.
Make sure you buy the right size covers. Measure the length and width of each section of the rocking chair, since most rocking chair covers come in multiple pieces. Write these measurements down and take them with you when you are shopping.
Rocking chair covers vary in the way they are attached to the chair. Some models are placed on the chair and tied into place, while others might have an opening in one end and slip over the piece. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of each can help you make a decision. Covers that tie on often slide easily and could contain strings that might be caught in moving parts. Those that slip on could be difficult to adjust or remove.
In the event you are unable to find rocking chair covers that fit your needs, you may want to consider making your own. This can allow you to choose the design and type of fabric you like, while making sure you get a custom fit. You do not need a great deal of sewing experience in order to make these items. It could be possible to make several of these for your rocking chair, so you can change the look of your room whenever your mood or a special occasion demands it.