When choosing a retinol face cream, it is important to look for a cream that has a high concentration of retinol. Most over-the-counter face creams have a small percentage of retinol, and a larger percentage of other, non-effective, ingredients. It is also important to take a good look at the other ingredients that are inside of a cream.
In addition to retinol, alpha hydroxy acids are also good for your skin. Ingredients such as caffeine and peptides have not been proven effective, though many products contain these ingredients. If you want to purchase a product that is high in retinol, look for a product that does not have a large percentage of caffeine or peptides. A potent retinol face cream should have a 0.30 percentage, or higher, of this active ingredient.
Searching for a cream that does not have a long ingredient list is another way to buy an effective cream. When a product has too many ingredients, the result is a diluted cream that won't deliver the results you are looking for. Another way to select a retinol face cream is to shop according to consumer reviews.
Some brands are highly preferred by consumers over others. Taking the time to conduct some research into popular retinol face cream brands is a wise idea. Typically, creams that have been reviewed by dermatologists, and brands that have a solid reputation tend to be better than newly marketed creams. When looking at product studies, make sure that you read the fine print. Manufacturers want to sell face creams, which is why many creams boast claims that are not true. Find a product that has been proven effective by carefully reading product studies online or in magazines.
It is also important to note that most retinol products do not work immediately. After using a product for a few weeks, you may begin to notice changes in the appearance of your skin, but don't give up on a product if it does not produce desired results right away. If you do not see any positive results after many weeks of usage, look for a different cream. While a cream may work wonders for someone you know, the same cream may not work for you.
Pay attention to products that irritate your skin. If you notice that a rash occurs as the result of a new product, discontinue use right away. Likewise, you should not experience any kind of swelling or pain after using a product. Since your skin type is unique, you may find that some creams are too harsh, while others are not effective enough. After experimenting with different creams, you should be able to find a cream that's right for you.