The best regional account manager jobs are often found in large sales or distribution organizations. Regional account manager is a sales-related position typically found in firms that primarily sell business to business. The number of regional account managers depends on the size of the company, number of regions, and depth of market penetration.
In order to qualify for a position as a regional account manager, most candidates are advised to obtain at least a college diploma in business, management, business administration, or a related field. However, this type of education is not required. In general, experience as a sales manager is more valuable than a post-secondary education. Keep in mind that regional account manager jobs are mid-career positions, and most candidates have at least 10 years of working experience in sales and sales management.
When looking at the different regional account manager jobs, think about the size of the region, distribution of potential and existing customers, and the types of products you are responsible for. A large region does not necessarily translate into more customers and sales. Another item to consider with a large region is the cost and time required to visit all the different parts of the region. Look at the spread of existing accounts or customers and then complete a survey to find out the number of potential new customers.
It is very important to have a complete understanding of the products you are responsible for and the target client group. For example, a photocopier equipment account manager is more likely to have increased sales in a urban region than a rural one. However, a farm equipment account manager will find the exact opposite is true.
Other factors to consider include compensation package and expense account. Most regional account manager jobs offer a combination of base salary and commission. In the initial discussion about compensation, be sure to get the details about the base salary and commission percentage.
Almost all regional account manager jobs include an expense account. Items that are typically included are car lease payments, gas, mileage, and meals. Keep in mind that there are tax implications to an expense account, and that this should be included in the calculations when comparing different jobs. Job performance evaluation in this type of position is tied directly to the volume of sales generated. Keep your performance levels high to increase your compensation and make you a suitable candidate for promotional opportunities.