To choose the best refrigeration school, you must first determine what you wish to accomplish through your classes. If you plan to pursue cooling system installation or repairs as a career, you will need an extensive course at an accredited institution. For advancing your current career, you may want to speak with your supervisors to find out which areas you may need more advanced knowledge of in order to move up within the company.
Generally, refrigeration school is offered through a community college of technical school. In most cases these courses last between two and four semesters, depending on the type of program you take. For basic training a certificate program may be available. If you wish to start a business or need to further your skills, associate degree programs may also be provided.
Start by looking in the phone directory, doing a web search, or speaking with local career or guidance counselors to discuss potential refrigeration schools in the area. Once you have a list of schools that offer these courses, call each of them and schedule an appointment with a student advisor. At the appointment, ask any questions you may have about the school and the program. Questions can include information on tuition, financial aid and length of classes.
Find out which career options will be available to you upon graduation and don’t be afraid to ask what the employment rate for graduates is. You may also wish to find out what businesses in the area have hired former students and what the average salary for these people is. Most schools should have this information on file. If they do not, ask them how you might find this information yourself.
Your personal lifestyle is also an important factor in finding the right refrigeration school. If you have children, it may be necessary to find a school with a daycare center located in the building. Students with full-time jobs will need flexible schedule options, such as weekend or night classes. Online classes may also be an option if transportation is an issue. Look into all available options to find the one that best meets your needs.
Make sure to check into the school’s accreditation as well as its academic track record. Some online schools or career courses may not be accredited in your area, or you may have to take separate testing in order to be eligible for a local license in refrigeration. These things are especially important if you plan to start your own business or become self employed.
The refrigeration school you choose should be one that meets each of these criteria, as well as one that offers stimulating classes. Instructors should have real world experience in the field to give students inside information on performing the work as well as finding employment. This ensures that each person receives the best chance at finding success either as a business owner or employee.