When choosing the best reflexology school, consider the school's reputation and accreditation, the length of study, the qualifications you need, and the costs involved. Additional considerations should be whether the school offers financial aid, practical sessions, and whether it enrolls its students with an expert organization. Some schools even offer placement or assistance in finding employment upon graduation.
A good reflexology school should be accredited by an internationally recognized association such as the International Therapy Examination Council (ITEC). This is especially important if you plan to work in more than one country. Keep any local or state laws in mind if you wish to practice in the US. There may be additional requirements, depending on the state you wish to practice in.
The length of study varies greatly, since there are a variety of courses available. A student may enroll for a certificate course, which could last a few days, a diploma course, or a four year degree. It is also worth considering whether you would prefer to study reflexology on its own or as part of another qualification. Degree courses in massage often include holistic modules such as reflexology.
The costs involved should be considered as well, since the fees for holistic studies tend to be relatively high. It is good to check whether the reflexology school of your choice offers financial aid to its students and to figure in any additional costs such as uniforms, training kits, and textbooks. There may also be added fees to enroll for examination with the ITEC, for example, or for registration with an expert organization.
Hands-on experience is considered an important part of any health related course of training. A reputable reflexology school will offer practical sessions to help prepare and train its students. If you wish to complete an examination through ITEC, practical experience may be required.
A reflexology school may offer its students the option of registering with an expert organization, such as the British Reflexology Association (BRA) or the Association of Reflexologists (AOR). There may be other organizations to join, depending on the country you wish to study or practice in. Becoming a member of an expert organization can help you gain credibility and find employment once you are qualified.
Certain reflexology schools have in-house centers where treatments are offered at a low cost to the public. A reflexology school that has a treatment facility of its own may choose to employ some of its students once they graduate. Some schools do not have these facilities but can assist a graduate in finding employment.
If you are unable to study full-time, or to travel to a reflexology school, there is the option of online classes. Some students benefit from online studies, but it may not provide any hands-on training. Experts believe practical experience to be a vital part of the qualification, so consider this before you enroll.