Radiography courses are generally offered at community colleges and technical schools as a certificate or associate’s degree program. In most areas, radiography professionals must meet certain standards for education and licensing, so any accredited school will offer you the mandated level of education needed. To choose the best radiography courses, then, you will need to visit schools in your area to compare each location’s atmosphere, schedule options, and tuition assistance plans.
At each visit, speak with a student advisor about any questions or concerns you may have about the school. You may need to make an appointment for this. If you have children or other obligations such as a full-time job, you should ask about flexible scheduling options like online or weekend classes. Child care may also be available at some schools, although there is often a waiting list. Not all schools have these options, so if they are important to you, check for availability ahead of time.
If you are eligible to receive any scholarships or grant funding, check to see which schools will accept these. Schools often have to meet certain requirements to accept some tuition assistance methods, so you will need to find an school that can accept any options you have been given to help cover the cost of your education. In the event that you haven’t been offered any aid yet, find out from your student advisor or a financial aid officer what options may be available to you.
When choosing the best radiography courses, you will want to attend a school where instructors have on the job experience in the field. Ask if you may speak with some of your potential instructors to ask them questions about their classes. This will allow you to find out what you can expect as a student, and will give you a better understanding of what instructors will expect from you. You might also consider speaking with current or former students to find out what kinds of experiences they have had, and what job prospects they have been offered upon graduation.
Speaking with current professionals in the field may also help you choose the best radiography courses. Call and ask ahead of time if you can sit down and chat with someone working in radiography, and possibly come for a visit to see in person what the job is like. This will also give you the chance to express any concerns or questions you may have about the career in general.