Psychology distance learning options can allow students to attend classes without actually going to an on-site location. This is convenient for students who do not live near an educational institution, or for people whose work schedules or family lives do not allow the flexibility to attend classes. Choosing the best psychology distance learning programs involves finding an institution that fits your budget, offers the courses you need and want, and has achieved accreditation. Look for a program that will offer the degree you want to achieve through classes that are easy to access; communication channels are vital, especially in the research-intensive field of psychology, so be sure the courses make communication with instructors easy.
Be sure to find out if the institutions you are considering for your psychology distance learning courses are accredited. Institutions can obtain accreditation through a recognized accrediting agency that will analyze the quality of the institution's educational offerings. Choosing an accredited school over a non-accredited school has very important advantages: attending a non-accredited school can cost you eligibility for financial aid from certain sources, and employers will look for accredited and respected institutions listed on your resume. These advantages alone make attending an accredited institution for your psychology distance learning well worth the research, and it ensures you will receive a quality education on top of that.
Researching the faculty who will teach the psychology distance learning courses at a particular institution may help you choose the best option. Look for instructors who have been published in psychology journals or who have made other significant contributions to the field of psychology. Try to reach other students who have taken courses with those instructors and get their feedback on both the positive and negative aspects of the course and the instructor. If possible, contact some of the professors and ask them for their advice on a possible emphasis within the field of psychology.
Keep in mind that while most psychology distance learning can be done from a remote location, sometimes curriculum requires students to go to an on-site class or seminar. Be sure to research the programs you are considering to find out if any traveling to a specific site will be necessary. This may affect your decision to attend a specific institution, as some courses of study will require attendance on-site while others may not. If the curriculum notes on-site class attendance, contact the school to see if there are any options for distance learners that do not require attendance on-site.