Cold sores are blisters caused by a viral infection. Usually appearing around the lips or mouth, cold sores can be very painful. To heal a cold sore, you might choose to use prescription cold sore medication. When choosing this type of medication, consider factors such as how severe the cold sore is, whether you prefer to use topical medication or take oral medication and how long you have had the cold sore.
A factor that greatly affects which prescription cold sore medication you choose is the severity of the cold sore. One cold sore might not be as severe as several of them. Many times, an initial cold sore outbreak is more severe than recurring outbreaks. A doctor might prescribe a stronger topical cream for a more severe outbreak, or he or she might prescribe a topical cream and an oral prescription cold sore medication.
If your cold sore outbreak is not very severe, you might have the choice between a topical prescription cold sore medicine and an oral one. Some people prefer oral medications because they are quicker and easier to take. Others prefer topical creams as they believe that these medicines treat the cold sore faster.
Another consideration when choosing what type of prescription cold sore medication to use is how long you have had the cold sore. If a cold sore is caught early on in the outbreak, it might be easier to treat. This means a less rigorous regimen of medication might be used. If your outbreak has been present for several days, you might have to endure several medications to bring the cold sores under control.
Prescription cold sore medicines should be taken only under the care of a physician. Each person is different, and each cold sore is different, so what works for one person might not work for another. Every prescription is written specifically for you and your circumstances, so it is wise to use a prescription cold sore medicine that is written for you.
You might also decide to skip prescription cold sore medicine altogether, instead opting for all-natural remedies. This might not be advisable if you have a serious cold sore outbreak or have never had a cold sore before. In the case of a small outbreak or for someone who is experienced with cold sore recurrence, this might be easier than obtaining prescription medication. It still is important to know exactly what the products you are using do, so that you do not harm yourself.