You can consider many factors when you are trying to choose the best pre-medical school. For example, you may start by considering the majors that are offered at each school and adding schools with an excellent reputation for the sciences to your list. You can also research the schools from which the medical school you want to attend accepts most of its students and add them to your list as well. Schools that offer opportunities to work, volunteer, or observe in medical settings may prove good choices as well.
When you are trying to choose the best pre-medical school, one of the most important considerations is whether the school offers the major you want. Many students opt for pre-medical majors, but this isn't your only choice. You can opt for a major in another science field, or you may even choose a non-science major altogether, as most medical schools accept students from a variety of majors. Since the majors offered vary widely by school, however, your choice of majors may prove an important factor in your decision.
Though you don't have to choose a science major to gain admission to medical school, it is typically a good idea to select a college that is known for excellence in the sciences. No matter what your major, you will usually need to take a significant number of science courses in preparation for medical school. A medical school may prove more eager to admit you if you have earned high grades in science courses at a school with a good reputation for science.
If you want specifically to complete a pre-medicine program, you can narrow your list of choices by learning which schools have good opportunities for pre-medical students. For example, a pre-medical school that offers opportunities to observe doctors at work, intern in medical settings, or even volunteer at an affiliated hospital may make a good choice. Many medical schools will be impressed with this type of experience and might consider your application more favorably because of it.
You can also choose a pre-medical school based on the medical college you want to attend. You can do this by learning the names of the colleges from which your chosen medical school accepts most of its students. You can make a list of these schools and determine how well they meet your other criteria, and then make your final decision from there.