Selecting the best plumber training is easiest if you first think about your own goals, level of interest, and desired outcome. Select a training program where you will be both challenged and successful. Plumber training is available in a wide range of levels, from hobbyist to master plumber. A plumber is someone who is knowledgeable about the pipes and devices that transport water and water waste in and out of buildings.
Regardless of the level, plumber training should be very hands-on, with lots of opportunities to practice the different techniques required in this job. Avoid any school that does not have a dedicated workshop or similar facility. There should be structures in place to mimic a residence, commercial building, and high-rise building. All plumbers are required to work in these environments and familiarity with the challenges of each area decreases the risks.
Post-secondary plumber training programs usually require candidates to have their own tools. This equipment can be quite expensive, especially in addition to tuition fees. Talk to the school and see if it has a payment plan or group buying program for the required tools. Alternate arrangements include building the tools' cost into the tuition, over the length of the program. Most student loan programs will cover the additional costs, and some states have funding programs specifically to cover tools.
In order to qualify for admission to formal plumber training, you must have high school courses in English and technology. Although high school graduation is not a specific requirement for a plumber apprentice program, more and more employers are requiring it. Many schools offer part-time programs, with classes scheduled for weekends and evenings to accommodate candidates who are working full time.
Read the course description and program curriculum to determine the goals of the training. People who are interested in learning about plumbing to manage a commercial or residential property have different requirements than people who are looking for an overview of plumbing terminology to complete basic repairs in their own home.
Regardless of the type of training, the instructor should provide a course overview on the first day, with a list of the different topics that will be covered and any formal evaluation. This information is critical to prioritizing your work and ensuring that you have a clear understanding of the course goals and outcome. Make sure that your time is well spent, so your training program will result in increased skills and understanding about plumbing.