There are four items to consider when choosing the best physical therapy assistant schools: hands-on training, equipment, admissions requirements, and faculty. Physical therapy assistant schools are usually part of a large community or career college. A physical therapy assistant, more correctly called a physical therapist assistant, works under the direction of the physical therapist. He or she is responsible for interacting directly with the client, making sure that they complete the exercises as prescribed, using the proper technique.
Selecting the best school should be based on your own goals, achievements, and skill levels. Look for a school where you will be both challenged and successful. Many programs offer assistance to students to help overcome some of the practical concerns that often stop people from completing post-secondary education. This may include discounted public transit, on-site day care, health and dental insurance coverage, and counseling.
Look for programs that provide a substantial amount of hands-on learning. This can include work placement programs or the use of mannequins. Simulation equipment can be very helpful in the health sciences but are not typically found in physical therapy assistant schools. The ability to interact with clients and develop the skills to interact with wide range of people is critical to success in this field.
The best physical therapy assistant schools should have a wide range of equipment available for student use. This includes testing and diagnostic equipment, computer software, and patient management programs. Check the average class size to ensure you will have ample opportunity to use this equipment.
In order to qualify for admission to physical therapy assistant schools, you must have high school courses in biology, English, and at least one other science course. The best schools are usually located in a large city, and may have an internship arrangement with the local rehabilitation center or hospital. Students work under the supervision of the physical therapist, learning valuable patient management skills.
If you are looking at the best physical therapy assistant schools in the country or state, think about what challenges you face. The best school would have the resources and flexibility to help you overcome these challenges. For example, the school might have a day care on site, to help with child care arrangements, or provide discounted public transit passes.
Most physical therapy assistant schools provide the biographies of their faculty or instructors on their website. The information listed typically includes the academic credentials, work experience, special training, and any awards they have received. Read this information to learn more about the work experience of your instructors.