Choosing the right phlebotomist school is an important decision for anyone who is interested in studying phlebotomy. Finding the perfect school is about more than books and professors. There are many things to take into account when looking into schools, and many factors to be taken into consideration. Things that should be considered are financial costs and potential tuition assistance, class flexibility, child care options, and the phlebotomist school’s accreditation and track record for students’ success in finding employment after classes have ceased.
Potential phlebotomist school students should start their search by speaking with a school administrator. Career counselors and admissions officers can be found at nearly any high school or at the phlebotomist school itself. These professionals are available to speak with students about financial aid options, class scheduling issues. They may also provide information about the career outlook of phlebotomy and potential employers in the area the student may choose to apply to work with.
Once it is clear that phlebotomy is the right career path for a potential student, he may start looking into various phlebotomist schools by searching online. Generally there are school listings on the yellow pages sites, and most schools have websites where potential or current students can search through course listings, semester start dates, and availability of each course for weekend and evening classes. Some phlebotomist schools allow students to fill out an online application or to request to be contacted by a school administrator.
Figuring out which school is the right choice will depend on each individual’s situation. Some may require childcare availability or weekend classes in order to have time to attend courses. Many students will also need to choose a school that accepts various financial aid options or one that offers payment plans or low priced tuition.
Technical colleges, community colleges, and some nursing schools may be potential phlebotomist schools to choose from. The availability of courses and schools will vary based on location and the demand for phlebotomists in the area. Online colleges may offer some classes for students, but phlebotomy is a hands-on career which requires hands-on practice. For this reason, attending a traditional brick and mortar institution is important.
If any questions arise about a particular phlebotomist school, the admissions officers or other school administrators should be able to answer them. Should there be something they can’t answer about the school’s track record or classroom atmosphere, current or former students are usually glad to answer any questions students may have. Instructors may also be able to provide information on classes and the curriculum.