To find the best pharmacy tech classes you should call around to schools in your area as well as online schools to find out which ones offer pharmacy tech education. Follow up with each option by visiting the campus, meeting with a student advisor, and researching the program. You can also talk with former students who have attended each institution, along with current pharmacy technicians to find out which schools have the highest hiring rate upon graduation.
Before you begin visiting schools that offer pharmacy tech classes, you should make out a list of qualities your ideal school would posses. This will be used to compare schools and should help you make a more informed decision. Things to consider include class sizes, instructor experience, graduation rate, tuition costs, distance between the school and your home, online class options, and additional benefits like on-site daycare or gym memberships.
Visit each school in your area that offers pharmacy tech classes and ask questions related to the items on your list. There is no right or wrong choice, so focus on which aspects of a school are important to you. Take a tour of each campus and ask to speak with instructors if available. This will give you a good idea of the overall atmosphere of the school and the type of people you may encounter there.
You may also consider online schools or correspondence programs that offer pharmacy tech classes. Rather than touring the campus, you can speak with someone over the phone and find out information about the course. Ask about grades, scheduling, and accreditation for the school and the program. Keep in mind that if the school’s headquarters are located somewhere other than where you live, you may need to obtain licensing in your area before practicing as a pharmacy technician. Ask school officials about out of state testing, licensing issues, and anything else that may need to be taken care of when attending school online.
Once you have a general idea of which pharmacy tech classes are right for you, find out about tuition costs and any financial aid options available. If you are eligible for scholarships or grants, be sure the school you choose is able to accept them. In the event that you are not eligible for grant assistance or scholarships, find out if the school offers something for students who cannot afford to pay the entire amount. For example, some schools offer work study programs where students work on campus to cover some of the tuition cost.