There are four items to consider when choosing the best pharmacy school: priorities, admissions requirements, accreditation, and faculty. Pharmacy school is also known as the Faculty of Pharmacy and is organized within a larger university structure. Every licensed pharmacist has graduated from pharmacy school, either in the United States or in another country. Candidates who qualified in another place are required to complete selected courses at pharmacy school and write the same examination to work as a pharmacist.
Deciding on the best pharmacy school is a difficult process. Published rankings list pharmacy schools according to predetermined criteria, with each item weighted in the final scoring, based on relevance. However, the priorities of the ranking organization may not match your priorities. For example, many ranking organizations place a high value on the support structure of school, including career fairs and guest speakers. As a pharmacy student, you may decide that these items are not important to you, but that guaranteed student residence accommodation is more valuable.
In order to qualify for admission to pharmacy school, a combination of high marks in high school courses are required. These courses should include calculus, algebra, chemistry, biology, and English. Many programs require applicants to complete a standardized test to determine their level of knowledge and suitability for pharmacy school. Look for a school that offers assistance in preparing for the licensing examination to become a pharmacist.
If you are looking at the best pharmacy school in the country or state, take note that the admissions standard is higher to reflect the increased demand. Only students with the very best combination of marks, personal interview, test scores, and letters of recommendation are offered admissions. If you do not have the very best marks in your class, think about applying to schools that offer specialized programs, job placement opportunities, or has connections to industry in a city you want to live in.
When looking for pharmacy schools, the first item to check is the accreditation status. An accredited school has been reviewed by an independent third party. Courses from an accredited school can be transferred to other post-secondary institutions and are accepted by the pharmacist licensing boards in all states. This is very important, as you do not want to repeat courses should you change locations years after graduation.
Most pharmacy schools provide the biographies of their course instructors on their faculty website. The information provided typically includes the academic credentials, research focus, publications, and any awards they have received. This information provides insight into the areas of focus for the school.