There are four items to consider when choosing a pharmacist school: accreditation, faculty, specialized programs, and reputation or ranking. This type of school is part of a university and is known as the Faculty of Pharmacy. Pharmacists can be found working in research laboratories for pharmaceutical companies, teaching in colleges or universities, or running their own pharmacy.
Pharmacist school is usually four to five years in length and typically requires the completion of at least two years of an undergraduate degree. The admission requirements for the best pharmacist school in the state or country are very high. In order to be considered, your high school marks in chemistry, math, biology, and English must be at the top of your class. The best schools often require letters of recommendation or an essay as part of their process.
When looking for a pharmacist school, check the accreditation status. An accredited school has been reviewed by an independent third party. Courses from an accredited school can be transferred to other post-secondary institutions, and are accepted by the professional licensing boards for pharmacists. Only accredited schools are able to offer students access to government student aid programs.
Review the qualifications of the faculty or course instructors with care. Most schools post biographies of their course instructors on their websites. Review this information and look for both academic credentials and working experience. Many pharmacist course instructors are specialists is chemistry or biology. They usually conduct research in related fields and are involved in many collaborative projects. Read their published articles to learn more about their interests and research.
Look for specialized programs in subareas of pharmacy. This may include pharmacology, synthetic chemistry, biochemistry, and homeopathy. Take advantage and learn as much as possible from these programs, as they provide opportunities to make important connections of both people and ideas.
The reputation of the school is very important when choosing the best pharmacist school. Ask the admissions counselor about speaking with former graduates or employers. The quality of education they received at the school, the relevance, and any other information they are willing to share.
Pharmacist school is very competitive, high pressure, and demanding. Look at the different options and choose the school that is best for you. This may include a school that offers guaranteed residence or inter-disciplinary studies. Think carefully about your priorities before making your decision. Although the starting salary for a pharmacist is between $65,000 and $80,000 US Dollars (USD), most students graduate with significant debt. Take the time to look into scholarships, grants, and bursaries to reduce this debt as much as possible.