Becoming a professional pedicurist requires specialized training and licensing in most countries. Pedicure schools vary in what they offer, so choosing the best pedicure training depends on several factors. Your personal goals should be at the top of the list, closely followed by your future career plans and desired time frame as well as the reputation and cost of available programs.
Community colleges and technical or cosmetology schools offer degree-based pedicurist training that expands beyond pedicure training. Specialized beauty schools offer certificate programs that are dedicated solely to training personal care experts, including pedicurists. This type of pedicure training focuses on job-specific skills and provides the coursework and training needed to become a professional pedicurist.
Beauty schools appeal to those who want to finish their training and get on the job as quickly as possible. Certificate-based pedicure training usually occurs at a school with a variety of programs geared toward beauty industry jobs. Pedicure schools take less time than degree programs, and offer more specific training that focuses solely on performing pedicures. Certification is based on training hours, and the cost may vary from school to school.
If you are seeking pedicure training to prepare for a future as a salon owner or manager, then you may want to earn an Associate of Science degree in cosmetology. Community colleges and technical schools offer AS degrees, which typically take two years to earn. Degree-based cosmetology programs offer a broad education that spans all areas of the personal beauty industry, including hair, nail, and skin care. These programs also include marketing, communication, and business training, which can be helpful for business management or ownership.
Most employers require a license before hiring a pedicurist, and state or local governments usually administer licenses. Testing typically requires both a written and hands-on exam. When gathering information about pedicure schools, ask if the program includes licensing or offers assistance with getting your pedicurist license. Some programs may also help you find a job upon graduation.
Knowing the staff and teachers can help you decide on the best pedicure training. The setting for most pedicure schools is a salon or lab designed to look like a salon. Little work is done in a traditional classroom, although some of the degree-program classes do involve ordinary classes. Some high-end beauty schools allow students to train on real customers by offering a discount to visitors who use trainees. This real-life experience can help ease any fears of working in the real world.
If you are interested in pedicure training for personal use only, you may find helpful videos or how-to programs online. Although not official and offering no certification or verification of your training, these simple guidelines can help you perform your own pedicures with a professional touch. This type of training is simply recreational, and it does not provide you with the technical details needed to work as a pedicurist.