Choosing the right postgraduate program depends in part upon your needs and goals, but in all cases, it’s important that the program you select is accredited. Accreditation means students are eligible for federal financial aid; it also tells employers that your postgraduate training met or exceeded high educational standards. When you’ve narrowed your search by eliminating all programs that lack accreditation, it’s time to take a careful look at what you want to accomplish with your postgraduate degree and how it will fit into your schedule. The best part-time postgraduate program is one that teaches the skills and knowledge you specifically need at a pace and in a style that works for you.
Many people complete an undergraduate program and enter the work world only to discover that opportunities to advance are few and far between without a master’s or doctoral degree. If you’ve decided that returning for a higher degree is a good career move but you can’t take time away from work in order to attend school full time, then a part-time postgraduate program might be right for you. Your next decision is determining which programs offer class content that will give you the skills and knowledge you need to accomplish your specific educational and professional goals. Examine course catalogs, and choose a number of on-campus and online programs that offer what you need.
Next, consider your learning style. Some students thrive in the more social environment offered by face-to-face classes. Others find they learn better on their own. Take a look at the part-time postgraduate programs on your list to see if you can take some or all of your classes online. Even if you prefer on-campus classes in general, consider that the opportunity to complete part of your class requirements online might offer you the flexibility to complete your course work sooner.
Some students do best in a brick-and-mortar classroom where they can ask questions and get immediate answers. They enjoy the opportunity to get to know other students and participate in study groups. Face-to-face classes are also the best choice for students who may not have strong time management skills; having a schedule that must be followed helps them complete work on time.
For other students, an online program is appealing because the schools that offer the specific classes they need are far from home. Many online part-time postgraduate programs offer classes that students attend virtually and at the same time. Students in these programs learn from live lectures and can communicate directly with the instructor as well as with classmates. Just as with classes on campus, when the instructor answers a student’s question, all members of the class learn.
If you are well organized, have good time management skills, work well independently, and have very limited time, the best part-time postgraduate program for your needs might be an online program that permits you to take classes and complete assignments at any hour of the day or night. When the demands of your job or the needs of your family require your attention, you can accommodate them without falling behind in your postgraduate studies. When work or family issues demand less of your attention, you can focus more time on your studies, completing course work at your own pace.
A part-time postgraduate program means earning a postgraduate degree at a slower pace than a full-time program. For anyone who needs postgraduate training to advance at work but who cannot afford to take the time to attend a full-time program, earning that degree part time is the perfect answer. On campus and online options offer something for everyone.