You can choose the best part-time make-up courses according to the specific material covered in each course, the quality of the instruction, and the time as well as the cost you will need to devote to this part-time education. Various make-up courses are offered at cosmetology schools and specialty make-up artist training schools. Your individual goals also factor into which part-time make-up courses may be the best ones for you. Some high quality courses cover a range of topics you will need to know as a professional in this industry. Courses that grant make-up certification upon completion can also be a plus when you later seek work as a make-up artist.
Depending on your geographic region, you may be able to enroll in part-time make-up courses at a school devoted only to make-up instruction. These types of schools are often located in metropolitan areas with a good number of possible job openings in the film, television, fashion, or beauty industries. You will often be able to select specific courses that focus on the type of make-up applications you would like to learn, such as make-up for weddings, photo shoots, or fashion runway shows. Some of the best specialty make-up schools will also give you flexibility in terms of how many classes you would like to take in a given amount of time.
You can also enroll in part-time make-up courses in a cosmetology school, although this type of education may sometimes give you fewer options for your part-time education as a make-up artist. Some cosmetology schools require enrollment in a full degree program that includes make-up application as only part of the curriculum. If you are considering this route, the best cosmetology school make-up courses are generally the ones that teach more than the basics. Doing some background research and talking to graduates of each certain beauty school are often good ways to gauge the career prospects of students who enroll with goals of becoming make-up artists.
Some of the best quality part-time make-up courses can be rather expensive, but they also have good records of worthwhile returns on investment for students who complete them. Make-up schools that place a large number of qualified graduates into make-up artist jobs are often those with the best quality training. Some part-time make-up courses may also require you to purchase a professional supply kit that will be yours to keep and use after course completion.