If you would like to become a hairstylist but do not have the time to enroll in a full-time training program, you may wish to consider part-time hairdressing courses. To decide which part-time hairdressing courses may be right for you, first find out whether prospective schools offer flexible scheduling and whether they are conveniently located. Then, ensure that potential courses are accredited, offer hands-on training, and will allow you to gain expertise in your areas of interest. Finally, ensure that you meet the schools' minimum enrollment requirements, and if necessary, find out whether they offer financial aid.
You may be considering part-time hairdressing courses because your life is too busy for full-time options. If this is the case, then scheduling and location are likely to be among your top concerns as you compare courses. A course which offers a mix of daytime, evening, and weekend classes can provide you with the flexibility you need to meet the existing demands of your life. Furthermore, choosing a school that is close to your home, work, or both can minimize the amount of time you spend commuting to and from class.
Additionally, you should seek out those part-time hairdressing courses that are most likely to help you become a skilled, highly employable hairstylist. Find out whether prospective courses are accredited, meaning that their curriculum and instruction has been judged by an accreditation organization to meet a minimum standard of quality. Also, limit your options to those courses which will provide you with hands-on training either at an in-house salon or through an external internship program. If you are interested in a particular area of hairdressing, such as color, chemical straightening, or extensions, find out whether potential courses will provide you with in-depth training in that area.
Finally, before you can apply to the part-time hairdressing courses you are considering, you must ensure that you can meet their admissions and financial requirements. Visit a school’s website or contact its admissions department to find out whether you must be over a certain age or have a minimum educational qualification, such as a high school diploma or its equivalent, in order to enroll. Ask about how much a course will cost, and find out whether this figure includes materials such as books, scissors, and brushes. If you find that a course falls outside your budget range, ask if the school offers financial aid such as scholarships or grants to its students.