The best optometry continuing education classes are those offered by an accredited institution, and they effectively help an optometrist enhance their career by helping them provide better care to their patients. When choosing optometry continuing education courses, check with the accrediting body in your area to make sure that the school is accredited. Additionally, you might consider online courses, which are a good option for busy practitioners because they are generally more convenient and inexpensive than traditional classroom courses. Online courses also provide the opportunity for optometrists to interact and share practices with their peers from all over the world and not just in their geographic area.
Optometry continuing education classes are a necessary part of being a practicing optometrist. Most jurisdictions require that licensed optometrists take a certain number of continuing education credits annually or every few years to maintain their license. Also, optometry continuing education classes are a good way to stay abreast of the latest research, techniques and methodologies.
In addition to online courses, there also are home study programs available. These programs allow students to study via audio, video, podcasts and books. Traditional classroom instruction via seminars, conferences and optometry schools also are available to help optometrists meet their continuing education requirements.
The best optometry continuing education classes are those that provide a useful knowledge or skill that optometrists can use to enhance their practice and provide better care for their patients. For example, a class on glaucoma and early detection methods introduces practitioners to new research and techniques for detecting this eye condition earlier, and it could deliver immediate benefits to patients who might be at risk. Other good course options could expand an optometrist's knowledge and practice area, such as topics on cataracts or laser eye surgery. When evaluating optometry continuing education courses, look for a course that not only meets the licensing standards but also provides an added benefit to your career.
Continuing education studies in practice management are also good course selection options. Courses in this area can help you run your practice more efficiently and can focus on topics such as choosing office management software, patient retention and electronic medical records. Some licensing boards even require continuing education courses in ethics so courses in ethics or legal matters could also be good choices.