If you are interested in getting an education in theology and want to do so online, then you have some decisions to make to choose the best online theology school for your needs. The first thing to find out is whether you will have to go to a campus at any point, because this could affect whether you choose a nearby school or a school outside your immediate area. You also should think about the degree you want, because not all types of theology degrees are offered at every college. In addition, you likely should consider whether you intend to specialize in one religion or just want to learn more about religion, in general.
One of the first details to think about is whether your location matters when it comes to the schools you are considering. Though an online theology school allows you to learn the coursework via the Internet, some programs require you to come to the campus to turn in work, meet with faculty and participate in hands-on learning opportunities. If you live across the country from the physical campus, then you should make sure you do not have to visit that location at any time during your studies. If you want to be on the safe side, you should consider either enrolling in online classes given by a college close to your home or choosing an online theology school that does not even have a physical campus, ensuring that you will never have to show up in person.
The study of theology can lead to various degrees that you can use in multiple careers, so you should consider your future plans before enrolling in any theology courses. If you are just curious about this subject and do not expect a degree or certificate, then you can likely take a few courses at nearly any online theology school. If you want to become a professor of theology, then you likely will need to choose a school that offers a master's degree or a doctorate. If you are not sure which career to pursue, then you may want to look for a school offering a bachelor's degree, because many careers in this field require at least this level of education.
As you consider which career path to take, you should think about whether you want to specialize in a particular religion. If so, you can enroll in an online theology school that is affiliated with a certain religion or denomination so you can focus your studies on it. If you are unsure which religion you want to work with, or want to keep your options open, then you may want to choose a nondenominational school. If you change your mind in the future and wish to specialize in a particular religion, then you typically can build onto your general studies with additional courses about the beliefs of your choice.