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How Do I Choose the Best Online Theology Degree?

Lainie Petersen
Lainie Petersen
Lainie Petersen
Lainie Petersen

When choosing an online theology degree program, your first concern should be to ensure that the school offering the degree is properly accredited. You should then evaluate the program’s curriculum, faculty, and student services in light of your own theological positions and career goals. It is also important that you understand whether you, as a distance learning student, will have any obligation to travel to campus for in-person meetings or classes. Finally, consider the cost of attending the school and whether the school offers scholarships or participates in government financial aid programs.

It is always important to determine the legitimacy of a school before applying or enrolling. This can be somewhat challenging when selecting an online theology degree program, however, as some schools will claim a religious exemption for accreditation standards or laws requiring government approval of schools. Unfortunately, if an online theology degree program does not hold the recognized form of accreditation in the country where it operates, its degrees may be worthless as professional or academic credentials. Do some research on educational accreditation in the jurisdiction where you hope to study and make sure that the schools that interest you actually hold this accreditation.

Some certificate of theology programs focus on youth ministry.
Some certificate of theology programs focus on youth ministry.

Once you know that an online theology degree program is accredited, you should investigate its options for study. If there are particular areas of theology that interest you, you should check to see if the school offers study concentrations in these areas. You should also review faculty profiles to see if any of the faculty shares these interests. These faculty members can be good mentors for you as you continue in your academic career.

Be sure to ask about the online learning environment supported by the school. Different online learning platforms exist, and some may be more compatible with your learning style than others. Some schools offer prospective students the opportunity to set up an online account so they can try out the features of the online learning environment before deciding to enroll. Library services are very important in any school. Your school may have an online library, mail books to its students, or help you receive borrowing privileges at a theological library in your area.

Find out how the school provides administrative support to online theology degree students as well. Ideally, you should be able to accomplish many administrative tasks, such as applying for financial aid, checking your grades, and paying your bills online. In addition, the school should also provide you with phone numbers to financial aid services.

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    • Some certificate of theology programs focus on youth ministry.
      By: Rob
      Some certificate of theology programs focus on youth ministry.