When choosing online statistics classes, you'll want to keep several considerations in mind. The school should be accredited, which helps indicate the quality of the classes; accreditation may also be required if you are applying for financial aid. You'll also want to consider the format of the classes, and what information they cover.
One of the first considerations when looking to select online statistics classes is the accreditation of the institution. Accreditation often signifies the quality of education offered by the school, and its adherence to academic standards. There are an overwhelming number of online education providers, and those seeking online statistics classes can use accreditation as a way to weed out inferior courses and programs. Taking online statistics classes from accredited distance learning program may even result in more job options and enhanced credentials.
In most cases, accreditation also impacts students' ability to receive financial aid. Although there are a few institutions that offer free online statistics classes, most institutions that issue college credit will charge tuition for enrollment. Having accreditation may allow the school to supplement the cost of tuition with private or government tuition assistance.
When selecting online statistics classes, you'll also want to consider the format. Some online classes require students to log in at a specific time in order to comply with to the class format, for example, while other classes can be structured to give students the ability to meet course demands and communicate with class members and the instructor at the student's leisure. Having this flexibility may help students balance the demands of school, work, and education.
Look for online statistics classes that provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Introductory statistics courses should introduce students to the logic, basic concepts, and issues related to statistical reasoning. Intermediate courses should include topics on exploratory data analysis and an introduction to research methods. Upper division courses should focus more on probability, statistical inference, and analysis.
One of the biggest misconceptions is that online courses are easier than traditional in-person courses. In reality, the online platform may present more of a challenge because students may not have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with the instructor and class members. Online statistics classes can be quite challenging and the ability to contact the instructor for help can greatly impact students' overall experience.