If you are evaluating online safety training programs, make sure that the programs you consider are approved for training in your industry, that their length and included topics meet regulatory requirements, and that the online learning environment is conducive to learning and retaining information. If the online safety training you consider is necessary for your business to operate, it becomes even more important to verify the credentials of the course provider and the suitability of the program for your needs. Other considerations should include course price and the reputation of the course provider.
In many industries, work safety is an issue of significant concern. As a result, many jurisdictions require ongoing training programs for owners, management, and employees. In some cases, it may make more sense to obtain safety training through brick-and-mortar schools and proprietary training providers. In recent years, however, the option of online safety training has been approved by government agencies as a way of providing education in a way that is convenient for businesses and their employees.
When you first begin to investigate training programs, you should find out directly from the government agency that requires safety training what its requirements are. Make sure that you understand both the nature of the required online safety training courses as well as the length of these courses. It is not unusual for a government agency to required courses that have very similar names but that are very different lengths. One course may be more suited for continuing refresher education, while the other is intended for new employees. As laws and regulations frequently specify the length of training courses, you should likewise pay attention to the number of course hours listed in the school catalog next to each course title.
Another consideration is whether the online safety training course is actually approved by the government agency or agencies that mandate its completion. As a general rule, it is a good idea to always verify with pertinent licensing and oversight boards the status of any training provider as well as its individual courses. Even if the course is approved, you should also investigate whether the provider has a reputation for providing quality online safety training. Some online training course providers provide sample courses that will allow you or your employees to explore their online learning platform to see whether it is conducive to learning. Finally, you want to find out whether the provider's administrative staff is available to answer questions, to assist with record keeping issues, and to promptly provide certificates of completion necessary for the smooth and continued running of your business.