Before you enroll in any online art history classes, you will need to determine your goals for taking the class. Some students choose to take online art history classes to fulfill credit requirements that will count toward a college degree, in which case it is important to choose online classes from an accredited institution and meet with an academic advisor before enrolling. Other students simply want to take the courses to improve their general knowledge or to learn more about a hobby or interest. Decide what your goals are for the classes before you enroll to ensure you choose the most appropriate program.
If you intend to earn college credit and use that credit toward a college degree, you will need to choose online art history classes that are approved by the educational institution you attend. That educational institution may, in fact, offer online art history classes that will fulfill your requirements, but it is still a wise decision to meet with your academic advisor to draw up a course schedule that will be appropriate for you. If you choose to attend an educational institution outside of the one you normally attend, be sure to choose an accredited institution that is respected and recognized by other educational institutions as well as potential employers. Avoid non-accredited institutions if you will be earning college credit.
Think carefully about your schedule before you enroll for online art history classes, as this may dictate which type of class is best for you. The two general types of classes are asynchronous and synchronous. Synchronous classes meet at the same time each meeting, and all students will need to be online and logged in at the same time. This is a great way to get more direct guidance from your art history instructor. If your schedule is scattered and you prefer to work at your own pace, an asynchronous class will be most appropriate. You will get less direct guidance from your instructors and less interaction with classmates, but you will be able to complete coursework on your own schedule.
Be sure to do some research into the instructors who will be teaching the online art history classes. The instructors should be trained professionals or experts in the field of art history, and they should have a proven track record of successful teaching. If at all possible, talk to other students who have taken the class already and get general impressions about the course and the instructor.