The first step in choosing the best online advertising classes for you is to determine whether you need an informal class that will teach you the basics of advertising, or whether you want formal classes from an accredited institution that will grant you college credit upon completion. If you are working toward a degree program or certificate, you will need to consider credit-granting online advertising classes. If you are not working toward a degree, you may choose classes that do not grant credit, as well as classes that are not necessarily offered from an educational institution.
The best places to find online advertising classes are websites for accredited colleges and universities. These classes are offered by institutions that have gone through the accreditation process, which proves the school offers high quality education that is respected by employers and other educational institutions. You will usually have to pay for such courses, and tuition rates can vary significantly, so be sure to research tuition rates before enrolling. Many colleges and universities will offer both credit courses and non credit online advertising classes; you will usually only need credit courses if you are working toward a degree.
Think carefully about your goals for enrolling in online advertising classes. This will help determine which classes are most appropriate for you. If you are new to the subject, you should start with an entry-level class that will teach basic concepts of marketing and advertising. If you are more advanced in your knowledge of advertising, consider more advanced courses that will focus on specific topics within the realm of advertising. Do some research into the instructors of the courses as well; find out what their qualifications are, and take classes from experienced professionals with proven track records in the advertising industry.
Regardless of the types of online advertising classes you choose, you will need to choose between two general course options: synchronous and asynchronous courses. Synchronous courses meet at a specific time, and every student in the class must be online at the same time to participate in course activities. Asynchronous classes allow the student to take part in course materials and activities at his or her own pace, at any time of day. Synchronous courses generally offer more direct guidance from instructors and more interaction with classmates, but asynchronous classes are far more convenient for students with difficult schedules, such as students who work full time.