There are four items to consider when choosing the best occupational therapy university: reputation, admissions requirements, accreditation, and faculty. An occupational therapy university is usually organized within the Faculty of Medicine as part of a larger university. Occupational therapy training at the university level is usually a four-year program. Upon successful completion, candidates are qualified to work as professional occupational therapists. This type of therapist works with people who have disabilities or who have suffered a long illness to help them find work.
Deciding on the best occupational therapy university is a difficult process. At the best schools, master's and doctoral degree programs are available. The growth of occupational therapy as a recognized field of study has really occurred since the end of the first World War. As such, the number of schools with a full depth of programs available is still growing. Reputation alone is not a good measure, as the programs are quite young. Look instead at the current research output and community interaction.
In order to qualify for admission to an occupational therapy university, good marks in psychology, technology, and English courses are required. If you are looking at the best occupational therapy university in the country or state, only students with the very best combination of marks and letters of recommendation are offered admissions. If you don't have the very best marks in your class, think about applying to schools in large cities, with close ties to hospitals and support homes.
There is little value in being the worst student in the best school. Look for an institution that will challenge you, but also allow you to experience success. Many schools have a personal interview as part of their admissions process. The purpose of this is to ensure that candidates have the maturity required to meet requirements of the program.
When looking for an occupational therapy university, check the accreditation status of the school. An accredited school has been reviewed by an independent third party. Courses from an accredited school can be transferred to other post-secondary institutions, which is very important due to the small number of schools with this program. Accredited schools are able to offer students access to government student aid programs.
Most occupational therapy universities provide the biographies of their faculty or course instructors on their websites. The information provided typically includes the academic credentials, research focus, publications, and any awards they have received. Make sure that the biographies of the course instructors responsible for the undergraduate program are listed on the website.