There are four items to consider when looking for the best occupational therapy courses: accreditation, faculty, type of school, and job placement terms. Occupational therapists provide assistance and employment support for people who are mentally or physically challenged or recovering from an extended illness. The role of an occupational therapist is to facilitate client recovery and personal growth through work or employment opportunities.
People who report the greatest success with occupational therapy courses are self-motivated, dedicated, and have a good idea what the job entails. This type of career involves a great deal of personal interaction. People who are naturally outgoing, easy to talk to, and enjoy helping others are best suited to this job.
When looking for occupational therapy courses, the first item to check is the accreditation status of the school. Both the academic and administrative policies are reviewed and compared to a minimum standard. Courses from an accredited school can be transferred to other post-secondary institutions and are accepted by certifying and licensing boards. Only accredited schools are able to offer students access to government student aid programs.
Review the qualifications of the faculty or course instructors. They should be skilled, experienced professionals in their fields. Take the time to investigate the academic credentials of the instructors before selecting the best occupational therapy courses. Select courses that are of interest to you or provide the training needed to work with a specific client group.
Occupational therapy courses are available at both the college and university level. Look into both programs with care, as there is a big difference in the career options that graduates are qualified for. A university program focuses on the underlying theory, understanding why different approaches have specific benefits and risks. The training is intended to provided sufficient knowledge to either explore a specific area of study at the graduate level, or to provide direction and develop a program for clients to follow. A university degree is required for almost all management opportunities within occupational therapy.
At the college level, the program provides training in the underlying, accepted theory, but is primarily focused on client services. This more results-specific direction includes courses that are focused on the real challenges faced by clients and provides clear instructions to overcome them. The advancement opportunities for candidates with a community college education are limited without further eduction. People who are ambitious but have a college diploma will need to either complete the degree program or take additional training in management to qualify for other opportunities.
Job placement opportunities are critical when selecting the best occupational therapy courses. Look for programs that have connections to multiple employers. A broad experience allows students to better understand the different client groups and determine where they would like to work.