To choose the best nursery wallpaper, you will want to consider a number of factors such as whether you want to wallpaper the entire wall, or just add a border, as well as what colors or images you want on the wallpaper. You might want nursery wallpaper that is specific to a girl or a boy, or a design that could be used for either gender. In addition, you will want to think about the other colors used in the room, such as for furniture and carpeting, to be sure the wallpaper matches.
Nursery wallpaper can be a great way to add an extra design element to a room without spending a lot of money. There are many different ways to use wallpaper; some people choose to wallpaper the entire room, while others find that adding a wallpaper border can complete the look. Another option is to add wallpaper in a bold pattern to just one wall, for a more modern design. Be sure to measure the room carefully ahead of time to be sure you purchase enough wallpaper.
You may choose to purchase nursery wallpaper in shades of pink for a girl, or blue for a boy. Other colors such as yellow or green can be a nice choice for a gender neutral room. In addition, you will want to consider the types of images you want on the wallpaper. Animals are very popular for a nursery, as well as storybook characters or nature images. Sports themed rooms are very common as well.
When selecting nursery wallpaper, you may also want to consider whether you want the wallpaper to be able to "grow up" with the child. For instance, wallpaper with baby animals on it will likely not work well in an older child's room, but a sports themed nursery could easily be converted into a room for an older child. If you want to use the nursery wallpaper for years, you might choose just a simple pattern rather than wallpaper with pictures on it.
Finally, consider ease of application for nursery wallpaper. Some types of wallpaper feature a peel and stick backing, which are very easy to apply. This type of wallpaper may be applied to furniture as well. Other types of wallpaper require you to wet the back with a sponge before applying it to a wall, which might be more difficult. Wallpaper ranges in price depending on the quality and the design, so be sure to shop around at different stores and online to find the best prices.