As nurse practitioners have gained more responsibilities in the medical field, further requirements have been added to their licensing programs. Nurse practitioner continuing education is required by most states throughout the United States. Even in the states where they are not required, continuing education courses are highly recommended to keep nurse practitioners up-to-date on the latest medical information and to help them gain additional knowledge. In order to choose the best nurse practitioner continuing education courses, make sure the courses meet licensing requirements, are cost effective, meet logistical needs and are educationally appropriate.
If you live in a state where continuing education is necessary to keep your nurse practitioner license current, it is important to choose courses that will count toward the license. There are two key ways to do this. Check with the state licensing board or the agency where you obtained your license and obtain a list of approved courses. Next, speak with your employer to determine if they can guide you in the right direction. Some employers may even have a list of courses they will reimburse for.
Nurse practitioner continuing education courses take time and money. Even if your employer will pay for them, choose courses that are cost effective to avoid losing valuable time. Some courses may be offered online at a lower price than they would be otherwise. Similarly, nurse practitioner classes taken at a large university or college are often more expensive than those taken at a smaller school. While price is important, the setting you learn in best should also be considered, ensuring that courses do not need to be repeated and paid for again because of your inability to learn in a certain setting.
The location of nurse practitioner continuing education classes is also important. Logistics need to be considered, as travel and lodging can be expensive and time consuming. Choosing continuing education classes that are conveniently located can often improve attendance, making learning much more of a success.
You should choose the nurse practitioner continuing education courses that are educationally appropriate for you. This means that they should fit the career path you are on. For instance, if you specialize in one particular area, like geriatrics, you may want to pick a course in this subject to add to your knowledge in the area. Conversely, you may want to choose a course that will expand your knowledge to areas previously unexplored. Choosing the course that will offer the knowledge you want to gain will mean you are more engaged and make the most of your continuing education.