Make sure that you choose natural skin care products that truly are what they claim to be. Avoid products with ingredients that you cannot identify and or those that contain artificial fragrance. You are likely to find the best options at health food stores or on the Internet. Before making your selection, remember that protecting the environment can benefit you as well, so make choices that protect nature.
Avoid falling for those products that are marketed toward individuals looking for natural skin care products but that do not really fit the bill. To do this, avoid making a selection based on the name of a product alone. Do not draw conclusions because the package or container says the item is natural. Always read the ingredient list and avoid products that contain items that you cannot identify. Also look for ingredients that are known for their skin care benefits, such as seaweed, black seed, and coconut oil.
Beware of products whose ingredient list includes “fragrance.” Although this term may seem very direct and you may screw the cap off a product and find favor with the scent, “fragrance” is generally a mask for undisclosed ingredients. Companies are required to disclose what is in a product, but they are not required to disclose the ingredients in their fragrances. Those scents that you adore are often formed by dozens of undisclosed items, and they may not be what you consider natural. If possible, choose fragrance-free natural skin care products.
You may be inclined to go to your usual beauty supply sources when you are are looking for natural skin care products. In most cases, this is not the best option. Department stores, big box retailers, and pharmacies commonly offer products that have some natural ingredients but that also contain ingredients that you would likely want to avoid. Instead, try shopping at a health food store, an organic supply shop, or on the Internet.
When choosing natural skin care products, it is a good idea to think beyond the immediate personal effects of your choices. Making smart selections can also benefit the environment, which affects you too. Be cautious about the ingredients that can have adverse environmental effects. For example, it has been found that triclosan, an antibacterial, leads to antibiotic resistance, kills natural bacteria, and kills aquatic plants when the waste water that it is in makes its way back into the water cycle. Also remember to avoid excessive packaging or packaging that is non-biodegradable.