In finding the best natural remedies for itchy skin, it is important to recognize that the itchiness is likely a symptom of an underlying condition, such as an allergy, stress, or disease. If the itchiness does not respond promptly to natural home treatments or worsens, you should seek the advice of a health care professional. Minor cases of itchy skin can often be dealt with using simple home remedies or making changes in your lifestyle. There are many options when it comes to finding natural remedies for itchy skin.
Itching in itself is not considered a medical condition, but rather a symptom that's referred to by doctors as pruritus. If the itching is widespread and not the result of an obvious cause, such as an insect bite or exposure to an irritating substance, or if it recurs frequently, further investigation may be required to discover the cause. On the other hand, short-lived itchiness in a localized area of the body can usually be treated simply and safely with a natural remedy.
One of the simplest and best natural remedies for itchy skin involves making simple lifestyle changes in your clothing, cosmetics, or body care products. Try to identify those substances or materials that appear to trigger your itching and find alternatives that your skin will tolerate. Wearing natural-fiber clothing and using products that do not contain harsh chemicals can help curb itchiness.
Baking soda alleviates a wide range of itchy conditions. Add a cup to your bath water in cases where the itching is widespread, or, when it's localized, apply a paste directly to the affected areas. Lemon juice has anti-inflammatory properties and can be applied undiluted to itchy spots. Other topical treatments to try include apple cider vinegar or oatmeal added to bath water. Aloe vera is also considered among the best natural remedies for itchy skin; cut a leaf open and apply the gel directly to your skin.
There are many herbs that can help soothe itchy skin. Mint or peppermint brewed into a strong tea and applied to the skin has astringent and cleansing properties that often alleviate itches. Basil and thyme have also proven effective in dealing with itches when applied as a tea. In traditional Chinese medicine, dandelion is added to the thyme to make an itch-relieving skin rinse. A homemade salve containing finely ground cloves and juniper berries in a base of butter and beeswax has anti-itch plus slight numbing properties, and is considered among the best natural remedies for itchy skin.