If you are considering becoming a nail technician or want to work in a nail salon doing nail extensions, then you will need both training and licensing. Licensing is obtained from your state’s Board of Cosmetology or other governing body. To find the best nail extension courses, you will need to find a manicurist’s course that is recognized by the licensing agent in your area. There are many to choose from and licensing only requires a specific number of hours of training prior to examination. Still, it is imperative that you choose a training program that offers more than just nail extension courses, but prepares you for all aspects of the board exam.
Whether or not you want to specialize in nail extensions, you will be required to obtain a valid manicurists license to work in a salon. Your scope of work may include everything from a basic manicure to nail wraps and nail extensions. Learning to do nail extensions is the most challenging role of a nail technician as the process requires a steady hand and a great deal of practice to perfect. Look for programs that provide nail extension courses or training along with practical experience. A school that provides theory and instruction along with the opportunity to practice is better preparation for employment in a salon than a program that teaches theory only.
During a nail tech program with nail extension courses, you will learn to create nail extensions from acrylic, apply tips with acrylic overlays, and how to fill in nail extensions. Keep in mind that your board examination for licensing will include practical demonstrations, but also a great deal of written examination on salon procedures, sanitation, and safety. A good nail tech program offering nail extension courses will cover sanitation, diseases of the nail, anatomy of the hand, and product safety, in addition to practical application.
When choosing a nail tech or manicurist training program, your state board of cosmetology can provide a list of acceptable and board-compliant schools. Interview all the schools prior to enrollment and make sure that they provide remedial help should you fail your board examination the first time. Once you have passed your exams, you should be prepared to take refresher courses for continuing education before the renewal period lapses. Check with your licensing board or place of employment for acceptable continuing education credits. The hours required will vary from state to state and may vary with the type of license you have. Remember that a manicurist license allows the holder to only perform nail services, such as nail extensions, manicures and pedicures, but a cosmetologist license allows the bearer to perform other salon services in addition to nails.