To begin choosing the best music distance learning program, make sure to choose what type of music education goals you have. You may want to become a music teacher, for example, which means one music distance learning program may be better than another that is focused more on performance or composition. Decide which area you want to focus on and research the programs offered by accredited schools only; avoid attending a non-accredited school, as this can affect your job pursuits later on. Carefully research each music distance learning to find out who the instructors are, what their qualifications are, what the class structure will be like, and what kind of support services will be available to you throughout your education.
Make sure to find out what kinds of performance requirements you will need to fulfill for the music distance learning program you are considering. Such requirements may necessitate a trip to an on-site location, so be sure to check the requirements to find out how much traveling you will need to do and how often. Some music distance learning programs will have other processes in place to allow you to film a performance or otherwise perform from an off-site location, but it is important to find out what those processes are and if you are able to carry them out.
Eliminate the possibility of any program that is offered by a non-accredited school. An accredited school that offers music distance learning courses has gone through the accreditation process, which is done by an independent agency. If an institution is granted accreditation, the agency has found that the school offers a high quality education that other educational institutions and employers recognize and respect. Attending a non-accredited institution may also exclude you from eligibility for certain types of financial aid, and it may reduce the likelihood that your earned credits will transfer to another institution should you choose to change schools.
A degree in music can be a very difficult degree to obtain. Music students often take more credit hours than other students do, and the study and performance requirements can be quite stringent. Music distance learning, therefore, will require a student to be able to work independently and do so with less direct contact with instructors. Be sure to choose a program that makes communication with professors and instructors easy and quick, and also look for programs with sufficient support options such as tutoring and job placement services.