People choose apprenticeships when they are interested in receiving training that helps them to begin their careers. In most cases, individuals get apprenticeships through academic programs and get credit toward their degrees or certificates for participating in them. To choose the best music apprenticeship, it is important that you understand in which facet of the music business you are most interested. For example, a person who would like to become a recording engineer might be attracted to an apprenticeship that is much different from one that appeals to an aspiring concert violinist.
Regardless of the musical profession you wish to pursue, it is important that you take a music apprenticeship with an established professional or instructor. It also is important that he or she has some connection with a relevant field. For example, if you are interested in playing concerts with an orchestra, the individual with whom you take an apprenticeship should have years of experience playing professionally and may even have won a number of awards. If you want to use a music apprenticeship to help you move ahead in your career, it is important that your apprenticeship instructor can help you to place in a position when you are ready to enter a profession.
An individual in an academic program who would like a music apprenticeship should consult his or her faculty adviser. Normally, an adviser probably has a list of available apprenticeships that are approved by a school. An adviser also can tell you if a particular music apprenticeship is best for your own career goals.
The arts can be incredibly competitive, so it might be necessary to have to qualify for apprenticeships. Musicians might have to perform before a panel of judges. Individuals who are interested in the business side of the music industry might be required to provide resumes and several academic or professional references. Interviews also are common in the application process. Individuals who oversee apprenticeship programs want to make sure that they are giving opportunities to people who are serious about careers in music and who are mentally prepared to dedicate time and energy to a music apprenticeship.
Remember that when you are choosing a music apprenticeship, it is important that you choose one that offers you the experience you are seeking. For example, if you are interested in getting much experience performing before an audience, you should make sure that public performances are part of the training. You also should feel comfortable with the level of difficulty associated with a music apprenticeship. It is important to feel challenged, but you should avoid feeling overwhelmed.