If you are suffering from dry mouth, a condition where you have chronically low amounts of saliva in your mouth, you might benefit from using a mouthwash, but there are several factors you should consider to ensure you pick the right one. Depending on your preference and what works for you, you may prefer an over-the-counter mouthwash for dry mouth or you may want to try a home remedy. Should you choose to buy a mouthwash, you will likely want to look for one that not only stimulates saliva production but also addresses other issues you may have, like bad breath. Perhaps most importantly, find a mouthwash that you like and that is effective for you.
There are many different types of mouthwash for dry mouth you can buy, or you can make one yourself if you would rather save money and try a more natural approach. One simple way to make a mouthwash is to add a small amount of salt or baking soda to plain water, mix thoroughly, and then use it to rinse your mouth, repeating frequently if necessary. If this is not effective for you, however, you may want to try a commercially produced mouthwash for dry mouth.
Most varieties of mouthwash for dry mouth contain enzymes that stimulate saliva production, as well as lubricating ingredients, but they may also address other issues that can go along with the problem. Many are designed to fight halitosis, or bad breath, which can accompany dry mouth. They may also contain products that promote tooth and gum health by killing bacteria and fighting plaque or tartar buildup, all of which can be problems for those with chronic dry mouth.
You may need to test a few types of mouthwash for dry mouth before you find one that is best for you, as the one you pick should effectively moisturize your mouth but also be something you will continue to use. Look for a mouthwash with a taste you find pleasant and that does not cause you discomfort when you use it. Try to find a product that moistens your mouth for a good period of time, at least several hours, before needing to be used again. You may also want to check with your doctor first if you take any medications to ensure there will be no adverse interactions between the drugs and the mouthwash.