As Meniere’s disease, a disorder of the inner ears, is considered a chronic condition, it is generally thought that the best way of handling the condition is to treat the specific symptoms that you are suffering from. Considering underlying causes of the condition and reviewing long-term treatment options are also important for properly managing the disorder. In this manner, you may be able to create the ideal Meniere’s disease treatment for your unique situation.
One of the most noticeable symptoms of Meniere’s disease is vertigo, a sensation of spinning. With vertigo, you may feel like the room is spinning, or, alternatively, you may feel as if you are spinning around the room, even when standing still. A popular Meniere’s disease treatment for vertigo is the use of motion sickness medications. These medications are often best for reducing the severity of the spinning and can also help to control nausea and vomiting, common side effects of vertigo.
The inner ear contains fluid-filled tubes known as labyrinths, and Meniere’s disease is believed to be caused by increased fluid within these tubes that causes intense pressure while distorting hearing and balance. These fluid problems could be caused by multiple factors; therefore, the best Meniere’s disease treatment will involve consulting with a physician to better understand and diagnose possible underlying causes of the condition and then follow up diagnosis with cause-specific treatment options. For instance, some physicians believe that allergies can cause a flare-up of the condition and may prescribe allergy medications to help control the condition.
Although your physician may not understand why excess fluid is present in the ears, prescribing a diuretic is frequently considered a very effective Meniere’s disease treatment. Diuretics help remove excess fluid from the body and might help normalize the fluid volume and pressure in the inner ear. A very low-salt diet is also typically recommended to prevent fluid from being retained.
Attacks of Meniere’s disease typically last for a few hours. The attacks are periodic and may occur only once every few years for some or every few weeks in others. If your case is more severe and involves frequent or daily attacks, the best treatment may be a more drastic approach such as surgery. Several surgical options are available for Meniere’s disease treatment, including inserting a shunt to drain the excess fluid out of the inner ear.
The best Meniere’s disease treatment, however, is not always medication or surgical based. Lifestyle choices are also considered to be an important part of treating the disorder. For instance, poor blood circulation problems are thought to make the condition worse. Reducing the use of caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine, however, may all be able to help reduce the severity of symptoms and may be helpful in improving blood circulation within the inner ear. Overall, the best Meniere’s disease treatment options for you will come down to your age, medical history, and the recommendations made by your physician and your own personal inclinations.