When looking for the best medical technologist courses, the first thing to determine is whether the school is accredited by an appropriate governing body. The area you want to specialize in should be considered as well. Decide how long you're willing to spend on clinical rotation, since requirements can vary. Some schools offer student loans or bursaries, and this can help cover any course-related costs. Online or distance courses are also offered, and can be a helpful option if you're unable to attend full time classes.
Make sure that the school you want to attend is accredited and recognized by the appropriate organization in your country. In the US, for example, you should enroll in a school that is accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS) or the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES). Once you have made sure the school is recognized, check on the school's affiliations. They may have an effect on your internship options once you have completed the course.
Consider the area in which you want to specialize when choosing between medical technologist courses. You may want to specialize in mycology, hematology, toxicology, or another field of medical technology in which you work best. It is a good idea to focus your studies, but a background in other life sciences and courses like English are becoming common requirements for various positions. Well-rounded medical technologist courses will offer you the option of specializing while covering other life sciences as well.
While you are studying, you will be required to complete a clinical rotation. Most medical technologist courses take about four years to complete, but some offer the option of less study time and more time in clinical rotation. A program that includes two years of study and two years of clinical rotation may be a good option if you learn better through practical experience. Clinical rotation is usually unpaid, but it is valuable work experience that includes actual laboratory testing, and can be helpful in setting up future job opportunities.
You should also consider the costs involved before enrolling for a medical technologist course. Some schools offer financial assistance in the form of bursaries or student loans, and this could be helpful if covering the costs of your studies is a concern. It is best to check if financial aid or assistance in getting a loan is offered before you make a final decision.
If you are unable to attend full time classes or want to complete your studies while working, you may be able to enroll for distance or online classes. These courses can help you enrich your knowledge base and meet the educational requirements to qualify as a medical technologist. Some schools offer a combination of modules, some of which can be taken online and others that are offered in the classroom only.