Choosing the best medical tech school typically depends on the type of medical tech you want to be. You may become a medical technologist, which typically requires enrollment in a four-year degree program, or you may become a medical technician, which may require the completion of an associate's degree or certificate program. No matter which career you choose, however, you'll typically need to consider the program's accreditation, content, and cost. You may also consider the recommendations of current medical technologists or technicians in making your decision.
Program accreditation may be top on your list of requirements when the time comes to choose a medical tech school. If a medical tech program is accredited by a recognized authority, this typically means it meets accepted standards of education. In addition, program accreditation typically means the degree or credential you earn from the program will be recognized as legitimate. This can be important when the time comes for you to seek employment in the field, further your education, or even apply for certification.
Once you've compiled a list of accredited medical tech schools, you may compare them in terms of course content. While these schools may have similar course requirements, you may find that some schools focus more on the courses that interest you or offer more attractive electives. If you will have to seek licensing or certification, you may also consider any preparation suggestions the certifying or licensing organization offers. With these preparation ideas in mind, you may be better able to choose an educational program.
Tuition and fees may be important considerations when you're trying to choose the best medical tech school. Some schools may be cheaper than others, but many experts assert that it's best to avoid choosing a school based on cost alone. Instead, you may do well to compare schools based on the quality of their programs and narrow your list that way. Then, you may decide to choose the least expensive of the schools that are still on your list. Keep in mind, however, that many medical tech schools offer financial aid, so even a high-cost school may remain on your list if it offers attractive financial aid packages.
While reviews of medical tech schools are subjective, you may find that they come in handy when you need to choose a program. Experienced medical technicians and technologists can be good sources of information about schools. Likewise, if you are able to learn which schools have the best reputation with employers, choosing the best medical tech school may be even easier.