There are four items to consider when looking for the best medical college: accreditation, faculty, specialized programs, and reputation or ranking. Medical college is usually part of a much larger university and may also be called the Faculty of Medicine. Medical school provides the training necessary to become a medical doctor, who can then treat patients or conduct research.
In order to qualify for admission to medical school, a combination of high marks in both high school and undergraduate degree courses are required. The undergraduate degree can be in any field, but science courses will provide the greatest benefit. This option allows students to obtain the underlying knowledge necessary to complete the advanced courses in biology, human anatomy and chemistry. Many programs require applicants to complete a standardized test to determine their level of knowledge and suitability for medical school.
When looking for a medical college, the first item to check is the accreditation status of the school. An accredited school has been reviewed by an independent third party. The academic and administrative policies are inspected and compared against a minimum standard. Courses from an accredited school can be transferred to other post-secondary institutions and are accepted by certifying and licensing boards. Accredited schools are able to offer students access to government student aid programs.
Review the qualifications of the faculty or course instructors. Take the time to investigate the academic credentials of the instructors before selecting the best medical college. Although the instructors may all be trained to the same level, it is important to review their area of expertise and research. This information provides insight into their professional interests.
Look for specialized programs or partnerships. Many medical colleges are forming partnerships with alternative medicine or natural pharmaceutical firms. These programs increase the exposure and understanding of both areas and may result in new research or product development. Additional partnership opportunities with schools of pharmacy and engineering encourages collaboration and can create new fields of study and opportunities.
The reputation of the school is very important when choosing the best medical college. Talk with the admissions counselor about the reputation of the school and then schedule meetings with former graduates and local employers. Look at the graduate employment statistics to determine the types of positions that graduates are able to obtain in the first year after training. This information gives a realistic picture of the actual reputation of the school and the caliber of graduates.