A medical assistant training program should have four different items: skilled instructors, opportunity for job placement, student support services, and specialized courses. A medical assistant typically works in a doctor’s office, helping with standard procedures and keeping track of test and laboratory results. This type of training program is available from a wide selection of community and career colleges.
Medical assistant is a very interactive position, involving a number of physical processes. As a result, it is very important to have instructors who have worked in this field. There is a theoretical aspect to this type of program, but it represents a very small portion of the actual learning materials. Talk with your admissions counselor about the working experience of the instructors. Keep in mind that related professionals, such as nurses or medical office managers have experience that is very relevant to this training program.
Look for a medical assistant training program that offers a job placement or internship opportunity. This is often shown as a separate course in the second year of the program. The opportunity to work in the field is a great way to gain valuable experience. In addition to the experience, the chance to practice your skills is the best way to reinforce the lessons taught in class.
When comparing the different medical assistant training program details, it is easy to overlook the student services offered by the school. However, it is these programs that will help you complete your studies, arrange financial support, help with finding your first job, and provide any counseling that may be required. The quality of support services is an important part of the decision-making process. Take the time to find out what services are available, how to use them, and how long after graduation you are able to access them.
Look for specialized courses as part of a medical assistant training program. The additional training can be added to your resume, opening different employment opportunities to you. Common courses to consider include advanced computer skills, medical terminology, medical coding, and interpersonal skills. All of these courses expand the types of positions that you qualify for and starting salary.
When selecting a school, be sure to ask about accreditation status. A program from an accredited school offers courses that meet a minimum standard and can be transferred to other schools or programs. This is very important in the health services, as most people will return to school for additional training within the first five years. The ability to transfer credits will significantly reduce the number of courses required and length of program when switching into a different career.