There are four things to consider when looking for the best medical assistant courses: small class size, qualified instructors, accreditation, and hands-on learning. Medical assistant courses are available from both community and career colleges. A medical assistant provides a combination of medical and administrative services. In the United States, certification is optional, but highly recommended.
Medical assistant courses combine theory and practical application. The smaller the class, the more individual attention the instructor can provide to each student. It is important to grasp the theory and the actual techniques from medical assistant classes, as these techniques will be used on actual patients after graduation. Common techniques include preparation for x-rays, ultrasounds, scans, and other office procedures.
Only take medical assistant courses that are taught by qualified instructors, who are experts in their field. For example, computer software classes should be taught by an experienced software instructor. Medical procedures should be taught by a nursing instructor. A medical assistant is required to complete tasks in the two different areas of their job with equal levels of skill.
When reviewing the medical assistant course options, it is important to ensure that the school is accredited. An accredited school has been reviewed by an independent agency to ensure minimum standards are met. In addition, only courses from an accredited school can be used toward a medical assistant certificate. If you decide to take an online program, verify the status of the school independently, to make sure that it is valid.
Many medical assistant courses use human mannequins, complete with inflatable lungs and sensors to practice medical techniques and provide feedback. The number of mannequins available is very important when selecting a medical assistant class. Good technique is only developed through repetition and it is better for everyone if this experience is gained in school.
Review the computer classrooms or labs to ensure that there is one computer workstation per student. Check the software version to make sure it is the latest one. Ask about after-hours access to the computer resources to complete homework assignments. A medical assistant is a very task-oriented job, and it is important to have enough opportunity to practice these techniques in school.
People who complete medical assistant programs often return to school to upgrade their skills, on average five to seven years after graduation. The most common program career choice is to become a medical office manager. The courses completed for the medical assistant program can be applied to the manager program, reducing the overall cost and time to complete the upgraded training.