To find the best market research training, the first step is to check with local schools that offer this kind of career course. These may include four-year universities, technical schools, or community colleges. Generally, a bachelor's degree is preferred by many employers; but any level of education may help you get in the door by working in a lower position with the potential for future advancement. You can find schools by checking in the phone directory and looking under “colleges” or “career schools.”
Begin by calling each institution and asking if they offer market research training. Classes my include targeted courses for this career field in particular, as well as degree programs in related fields such as marketing and business. Any of these options are great for launching a new career or progressing in an existing one, so the one you choose is really a matter of personal preference.
Once you have established which schools offer the type of market research training you wish to take, ask to speak with a student advisor or schedule an appointment to meet with someone. Advisors are generally very knowledgeable about the classes a school offers as well as any prerequisites for taking them. You may also be able to get information about financial aid, flexible class options, and other things you may wish to find out before making a decision.
Speaking with employers and former students is also a good idea before taking market research training at any particular school. Employers can fill you in on the number of students from a particular school who have been hired by the company, or how likely it would be that a student would be hired. Former students of the school can let you know how long it took them to find a job, where the job is located, and what the starting salary for someone with their specific education level may be.
You may also wish to take into consideration factors like the distance the school is from your home, whether they offer daycare for any children you have, and if there are any special perks associated with being a student, such as discounted or free gym memberships. Remember to ask about anything that is particularly important to you.
Online schools are another option for market research training, but approach these institutions with caution. Be sure to check their accreditation and licensing, and be sure you will be eligible to work in your region or location upon graduation from that school. Keep in mind that some local schools may offer online classes as a flexible schedule option, so check into that as well. Finally, be sure you approach online classes with the same discipline you’d have with on site courses.