Choosing the best manicure school involves several deciding factors. Program length and type are two of the most important considerations. Manicurist training programs differ from school to school, so you can choose what works best for your situation and needs. Scheduling, program availability, instruction quality, and reputation should all be examined when looking for the best manicure school.
Consider a degree-based program offered by a community college or technical school if you are not in a hurry to start working as a manicurist. Look to a certificate program if you want to finish training quickly and start doing manicures within several months. Specialized manicure schools offer short, focused programs to train and certify nail technicians on nail care only, focusing on manicure techniques, acrylics, artistry, and overall care.
When looking at certificate programs, check out the reputation of the beauty schools you are interested in attending. Get an idea of the program’s mission by visiting the school, talking to students, and meeting administrators and instructors. Manicure schoolteachers are usually experienced professionals, so ask questions and pick the brains of your potential trainers. Request references from current and past students, as the experiences of others can offer a peek into what the program might be like for you.
Beauty schools typically train students in a salon-style atmosphere with a hands-on approach where you work as you learn. When visiting prospective schools, ask to see a classroom so you can test the environment. Cleanliness and hygiene are vital to successful nail care, and this process begins with your training. Choose a manicure school that takes care of equipment, keeps things tidy, and projects an air of organization, comfort, and quality.
Scheduling and class availability both play an important role in choosing the best manicure school. If you are already working and plan to attend manicure school part-time, then you need a program with class times that fit into your schedule. If getting a degree from a local college or technical school sounds good to you, check into all of the required classes. Popular programs sometimes have waiting lists for courses that are offered infrequently or fill up fast. If you cannot get into a required class, it could hold up your graduation.
Money matters when choosing a manicure school, but it should not be the main focus. Many beauty schools and colleges offer financial aid, so be sure to inquire about all available forms of tuition assistance. Ultimately, you should choose a manicurist training program that fits your time frame, comes highly recommended by recent graduates, and won’t leave you with a pile of debt.