A machinist is a person who creates parts or components made from various materials, usually using heavy machinery. In order to become a machinist, you can attend a vocational school where you will learn how to use relevant machinery and complete tasks common in the job. Choosing the best machinist school starts with researching various options in your area, unless you are willing to relocate or travel to attend the school. Find out the tuition rates of each school you are considering, as well as what kind of facilities and training will be available to you.
The best machinist school will be close enough to where you live that you can commute to it regularly. The tuition rates should be affordable, and financial aid may be offered to help you pay for your education. While you are researching schools, take note of the specific qualifications you must have in order to be considered for the program. Some machinist school programs will require that you finish high school, while others may not make this a requirement. It is a good idea to earn a high school diploma either way, as this will make you more competitive in the program as well as in the workplace.
Once you have narrowed down your search, try to visit each machinist school you are considering. Take note of what kind of machines are available for student use, as well as how many machines are available for each student. Pay attention to how the spaces are laid out: if workspaces are crowded, you might expect to deal with these situations regularly. Crowded work areas can be dangerous and can prevent you from getting the best education possible. Make sure the machinery is up to date and functional as well; using out of date machinery will not adequately prepare you for machinist jobs in the industry.
Find out if the machinist school offers career placement services that will help you find a job after you graduate. Try to find out if other services are offered as well, such as apprenticeship placement, coursework that prepares you for certification, and any certification exam offerings on campus. Find out if any additional fees apply to such services, and to any other services you may end up taking advantage of while in school. Safety equipment, for example, will need to be worn or otherwise used within shop areas, and while some schools will provide such safety equipment, others may require you to buy them on your own.