Choosing the best lung cancer treatment depends on the options presented by a patient's doctor. Which method will make the best treatment differs in each individual case, and even though others may be using different methods, a patient must stand by the expertise of a trusted medical professional. Generally, alternative treatments that can be applied without interfering with traditional medical treatments can be useful as well. When choosing treatment plans, the most important step for an individual is to pick the best doctor and hospital available, as these resources will be able to provide the best treatment overall.
Often, lung cancer treatment involves surgery, chemotherapy, and other steps taken in order to attempt to stop the progression of cancer and get rid of the cancerous cells. The exact approach used depends on how advanced the cancer is as well as the cancer's cell type. These strategies are sometimes dangerous and may not be appropriate, depending on the patient's condition. Chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and some experimental drugs can be helpful when trying to slow down the progression of the cancer or get rid of it entirely, but these are often looked at in terms of how many years a patient is likely to survive.
Once a doctor has been chosen, the best lung cancer treatment is to follow his or her recommendations precisely. Besides these treatments, there are other ways a patient may improve his or her outlook as well. Alternative treatments that encourage a positive attitude about recovery can be part of the best lung cancer treatment, as can certain support groups and talk therapy. Essentially, a patient's job when choosing the best lung cancer treatment is to expand prescribed treatment to make life as conducive as possible to getting better. Whatever activities best promote healing for an individual should be part of his or her treatment.
In certain cases, it may be possible to buy better cancer treatment than a person would normally have access to. Money can improve a person's chances of survival in some cases. For example, there are services that will work to get a person into clinical trials, and there are doctors who are not covered by insurance in some areas. Aggressively pursuing these options may improve statistical chances of survival, but they cannot guarantee a longer life, nor can they promise that the cost will be worthwhile in each individual case.
End-of-life care is one aspect of treatment in which the wishes of the patient must be considered over all other recommendations. The best lung cancer treatment once recovery is out of the question may be very different, depending on the individual. Seeking care that will promote comfort may be appropriate for some patients, whereas care that will end life with dignity may be appropriate for others. Making plans for this type of care is important not only for the person with lung cancer, but for loved ones as well.