To choose the best local part-time jobs, you should assess what skills you have to offer employers as well as your required income and available hours. Once you've considered your main needs in finding part-time employment, you should list all of the suitable options in your area. Opportunities that may interest you can often be found through ads in local newspapers, help wanted signs you see posted in your area and letting everyone you know locally that you're looking for a part-time job. Before choosing between local part-time job options though, you should make sure that the work is something you would not only be able to do but also enjoy doing.
Even a part-time job you love is still likely to present you with challenges at times as far as fitting into the rest of your life. A job you dread going to can make that even worse. Think about each of the local part-time jobs that seem right for you in terms of what working there is going to include and how you feel about it rather than choosing an opportunity by what you hope the position will be like.
Make sure you know the different types of companies and businesses in your area. If there is a certain one you'd like to work for, applying there politely or doing an informational interview with the hiring manager about possible future opportunities can be a good idea. It's also wise to mention to everyone you know that you are looking for local part-time jobs in certain companies, since they may know someone who works there who can help you get a foot in the door.
Approaching companies you want to work for and being prepared with your resume in case they are willing to give you a quick interview can help you be ready for opportunities as you seek out local part-time jobs. If you can't speak with a hiring manager right away, you may be able to fill out an application for part-time employment and leave your resume. Make sure you get details such as the hiring manager's contact information so you can follow up on your application.
The hours and days of the part-time job you're considering should be suitable for your schedule. If you need to stick to a definite schedule to keep the rest of your life intact, rule out any local part-time jobs that may require you to fill in for absent staff or to work overtime hours. If, on the other hand, you'd be interested in extra hours or the possibility of the part-time position becoming full time in the future, this type of local job would be a better fit for you.