When choosing the best life insurance continuing education courses, it is important to consider three main factors: the amount of credit hours offered for each course, the cost of the courses, and the accreditation of the school. Many schools offer a wide range of insurance courses that address a variety of topics and issues.
The number of credit hours offered for each life insurance continuing education class may vary, so this factor should be taken into account. Many such courses are offered to insurance agents who are attempting to renew their area license. As a life insurance agent, such ongoing training courses can benefit the life insurance company's business. Local licensing agencies generally have established guidelines that outline the number of credit hours required of life insurance agents in a particular geographic area. It may be a good choice to consult this information before enrolling in any continuing education courses.
Different types of classes are available for life insurance continuing education, and the cost of each type of course varies. Standard classroom courses requiring classroom instruction are typically taught by an industry expert. Online continuing education courses are available as an option for those who may have a busy schedule or other conflicts that do not allow them to attend traditional classroom courses. Online or distance learning courses may also be a good choice for individuals who can work independently with little or no supervision. This type of coursework requires discipline, but may be ideal for some individuals and in situations where schedule constraints are an issue.
Many annual life insurance industry industry conferences offer sessions that will count toward life insurance continuing education credit hours. An added benefit of obtaining credit hours this way is the ability to network with agents who are in the same or similar fields while obtaining credit hours. Networking with industry colleagues can enhance an agent's professional network. Gaining knowledge from others experiences can help to broaden the area of expertise.
There are quite a few continuing education courses to choose from online or in a traditional classroom setting. It is important to be sure that the school offering the courses is recognized and accredited by either an industry association or accreditation organization. Most area licensing organizations offer a list of courses which are recognized and accredited. Obtaining this list can help make the process of choosing the right course and school a much easier decision.