Choosing the best law enforcement programs depends on many different factors, most of them concerning to the personal preference of the candidate. A beneficial law enforcement program will provide specific training in the type of law enforcement an individual wants to go into. For example, the training for a forensic investigator will be much different than the training for a patrol officer. In order to choose the best law enforcement program, the individual must know what type of field he or she is interested in, how much education they desire, and what opportunities are offered through the program.
For aspiring patrol officers, the most appropriate law enforcement programs, in most cases, are offered by police academies. These academies last just a couple of months, but teach the basics of law enforcement, giving students courses on law, weapons training, apprehension methods and any other basic information. Those who want a college degree can look at getting one in criminal justice, but the police academy will still likely be a requirement. Choosing the best police academy is dependent upon which state the individual would like to work in. Each state will require its own training.
Those who want to go into to forensic investigations, including laboratory analysis, will need to attend a college offering a degree in forensics or a similar field. Sometimes, another type of science degree could substitute for one in forensics, but some classes in law will still likely be necessary to go into the field. In this case, choosing the best law enforcement programs will depend on finding a school that keeps up with the latest technology for this degree path. Touring the college before enrolling gives the future student an idea of what is offered. Finding a college that has a good reputation for science and law could be of benefit to a student as well.
If a graduate degree is the overall goal, that may play a factor in the choosing of various law enforcement programs. Some schools, especially those who offer degrees online, may only offer Bachelor's Degrees. While many students do earn a Bachelor's Degree at one institution and a graduate degree at another, some may prefer to spend their entire academic careers at one institution. If that is the case, this will limit some of the potential programs.
Other factors that will play a role in choosing top law enforcement programs include the amount of support available for finding jobs, internships, and financing, as well as the convenience of the location. These are similar to what any student may be interested in when looking at college or educational programs. Those in a law enforcement programs should be especially interested in internships. These will help provide practical work experience, as well as give the student valuable contacts upon graduation. Many internships in this area –turn into full-time jobs.